The event takes place at the Sofitel Brussels Europe hotel (Place Jourdan 1, 1040 Brussels), conveniently located in the European Quarter.
To reach the hotel by public transport, there are several options:
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We may share your data with partners that host or (co-)organise our events insofar as this is necessary for specific purposes, such as logistics and security. Where these parties act as data processors on our behalf, we require them to process your data in accordance with this privacy policy.
The event takes place at the Sofitel Brussels Europe hotel (Place Jourdan 1, 1040 Brussels), conveniently located in the European Quarter.
To reach the hotel by public transport, there are several options:
This conference is organised by the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA Europe), Lexxion, and the VUB’s Brussels Centre for Competition Policy and Brussels School of Governance.